We have been looking at your data from the first few months of this year so here is a data recap for the months of January through April of 2018. You'll probably notice that there are some gaps; we pulled the data on 1st June and anticipate that there are some data sheets out there which had yet to be entered on this date - it will be interesting to see if outstanding data changes any patterns...
We have noted that the harbour porpoise sightings are well spread out across both time and space while the bottlenose dolphins seem to be staying near Aberdeen through the winter and then coming back into the inner Moray Firth in April. Our effort was remarkably even across these four months if you remove the obvious influence of the wonderful residential volunteers joining us at Spey Bay.
Please remember that filling out and sending in your hard copy data sheets in incredibly valuable to us so keep on sending them along whenever seems reasonable but we certainly appreciate all the effort from everyone who is entering their own data at the front end!
Thank you for all that you do!