SMASS / WDC 2019 Marine Forum - recordings

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Alice Walters
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SMASS / WDC 2019 Marine Forum - recordings

It was an amazing day and now you can watch again online.  Many thanks to Charlie Phillips for making these recordings!
Learning from whales and dolphins – trying to save the world through a culture of partnerships
Chris Butler-Stroud - CEO, Whale and Dolphin Conservation (
Just as we are beginning to understand the importance of culture, social learning and cooperation in dolphins and whales, their example is also teaching us that to achieve anything in this complex, interconnected world, we need to be working together with those who share our views, and sometimes even with those who don’t quite yet
SMASS 2018: an extraordinary year
Dr Andrew Brownlow - Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Scheme (
More strandings were reported to SMASS during 2018 than any other year in the scheme’s 25 year life - over 930 animals. These ranged from a seal pup weighing only a few kg, to the largest mortality event of beaked whales ever seen. We discuss these cases and the key role played by citizen scientists to identify and understand marine strandings
Citizen science and cetaceans: Shorewatch
Dr Graham Pierce - CSIC/IIM
What can we learn from Shorewatch data?
How we use Shorewatch data to protect cetaceans
Sarah Dolman - Whale and Dolphin Conservation (
Exploring the last 10 years of Shorewatching to see how we are helping to protect Scotland’s cetaceans
The use of NGO and Citizen Science Data in Marine Development
Pete Watson - SSEN (
Looking at how data can be used to inform subsea cable development, route selection and protection
Songs from the deep: a Scottish underwater listening network
Dr Denise Risch - SAMS (
The COMPASS project is developing a network of underwater listening stations along the UK west coast waters. As well as detailing the challenges of maintaining these new networks, in this talk we will feature some of the first recordings of the loud and distinctive calls of three large whale species detected singing off western Scotland
When the brain goes diving
Dr Chris McKnight - SMRU
A better understanding of physiology is essential to questioning how robust marine mammals are to growing anthropogenic encroachment in the seas. How is the brain protected during diving? How is oxygen delivery to the brain maintained and how this might interact with an animal’s need to sense and perceive its environment?
25 years and 250 minke whales
Dr Lauren Hartny-Mills - HWDT (
Celebrating 25 years of citizen science at HWDT & its contribution to our understanding of Hebridean minke whales
BDMLR 2018 Summary
Dan Jarvis – BDMLR (
A review of BDMLR’s callouts during 2018
What’s ‘app-ening here? BeachTrack
Ellie MacLennan – SMASS (
An introduction to the new SMASS reporting app
A wander around the workshops

  • Cold cases; identifying cetacean & pinniped bones and the importance of skeleton collection  (Georg Hanke, National Museums Scotland)
  • To refloat or not to refloat: post mortem data to inform rescue and rehabilitation decisions (Dan Jarvis, BDMLR & Mark Dagleish, Moredun Institute)
  • Individual Influence: how acting locally is impacting globally (Sorcha Cantwell, Scottish Coastal Clean-up Project)
  • Baleen and beaked whales: identify those confusing species (Emma Neave-Webb, Sanday Development Trust Ranger)

Q&A and Closing Remarks