Click enter data to start recording your whale and dolphin sightings or log on to enter Shorewatch effort and sightings!

Watching whales, dolphins and porpoises in the wild is a privileged experience and everyone has their own unique encounters with these amazing creatures. WDC collates sightings of whales, dolphins and porpoises, collectively known as cetaceans, from all around the UK. Sightings are becoming more frequent as awareness of UK whales and dolphins increases and it remains important to maintain a record of every sighting. These records help us build an archive of their movements and give an indication of the where whales and dolphins choose to make their homes within UK waters.
It is only by increasing our understanding of these creatures that we can effectively protect them. Our network of trained volunteers are watching out for whales and dolphins from specific Shorewatch sites around the Scottish coastline.
If you are a Shorewatcher, please login to enter or view your Shorewatch effort and sightings. We welcome sightings information from professional surveyors and the public as well. Please choose 'Record data' from the menu to enter your casual sightings of whales, dolphins and porpoises around the UK.

Shorewatch news

Data recap: Jan - April 2018

Alice Walters's picture

We have been looking at your data from the first few months of this year so here is a data recap for the months of January through April of 2018.  You'll probably notice that there are some gaps; we pulled the data on 1st June and anticipate that there are some data sheets out there which had yet to be entered on this date - it will be interesting to see if outstanding data changes any patterns...  



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